Monday, July 5, 2010

Back on the horse?

Since my last post in April so many things have happened! It is crazy to think that we are finally settled together as a family in Odessa.

I was able to fly to Odessa for Memorial weekend and at the time had heard from zero schools about a possible interview and I was becoming pretty stressed. On Memorial day I received an email requesting an interview with Hood Jr High School in Odessa (which happens to be the jr high that I attended!) for a master teacher position. I flew to Dallas on Monday, put my portfolio together on Tuesday, flew back to Odessa on Tuesday night, interviewed on Wednesday and flew back to Dallas Wednesday night. I still had 2 more days of school/finals for my kiddos! I was pretty exhausted:) Wednesday evening I was contacted by my principal who told me that she had been contacted for my references! I was so excited!!! Later that evening I was called by my new principal and offered the position! So I have a job!!!!! I will have two weeks of training to prepare me for my new position. To say that I'm not worried would not be the truth, all I can do at this point is pray for confidence and guidance. I have only half joked that I hope I learn enough at training so that I actually have a clue as to what I'm supposed to do!

We have been working on getting the house into shape and I hope to post some pictures here soon!

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